6 augustus 2010

Barry M

In the beginning of this week, I finally received my order from ASOS! In it were my beloved Barry M and Essie polishes. I was so happy!

But that faded away a little when I started to apply Barry M - Pale lemon Yellow. The consistency of the Barry M is really thin. I'm not used to that.. so there was polish everywhere around my nails and there were a lot of bubbles..
But, I didn't give up. I tried to apply again and this time it went so much better! I wiped my brush 3 times before painting my nails. With all my other polishes, there wouldn't be any polish left on the brush. But with the Barry M it works great!
This was the result, with Base coat, three coats and NO clean up. I think I did a pretty good job..

I'm really happy with this polish! The yellow is just awesome! After reading a few other articles about yellows, I was afraid I would need a lot of layers to get a good result. But, as you can see, Pale Lemon Yellow only needs 3!
But I also had Pink Flamingo waiting to be tested. I did my right hand with this one and although I'm right-handed, I think I did really good.
This is also three coats with base coat and NO clean up.

Pink Flamingo is a bit more 'Barbie' pink IRL. Inside it looks a bit more orange.

One more thing: I really like the look of the bottle. They even remind you to use a base coat!


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