7 september 2010

INM out the door

The thing I hate about some polishes, is that it dries so slowly.. I don't like to sit completely still for about a half hour to let it dry completely. So, a solution had to be found! And it looks like this.

This is 'INM - Out The Door'. The bottle states that it's America's no1 top coat. Sounds pretty good! And I can say, it really is good. Most of the blogging folks use 'Seche Vite' as a quick dry topcoat. That also was my choice at first. Until I saw an article comparing Seche to INM. They said INM is easier to apply, has no shrinkage, doesn't get thick like Seche does after a while, it's cheaper but does take a little bit longer to dry.(source: http://www.blogginbeauties.nl/featured/battle-seche-vite-versus-inm-out-the-door/)
I don't own Seche Vite so I can't tell if this is true, but INM works well for me. I tested it by putting on my slowest drying polish, Gosh - Miss Grey. I put a coat of INM over this and waited for 5 minutes. Then I started to make diner! Cutting up some mushrooms and throwing them in a bowl and stuff like that.  When I was done there was only one nail with slightly damaged polish. There was a dent in it.. But, that's not bad if you consider my Gosh polishes normally still do this after an hour of drying.

I bought my bottle from Ebay for €7,26 with shipping included.


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